The "My savings" section was not updated in real-time and the mobile navigation only showed up on two pages; not throughout the entire site. Both of which caused confusion and frustration in every survey we evaluated.
Also, the first page all returning members saw was the home page and not the dashboard despite launching all new promotions and savings challenges on the dashboard.
Promotions and savings challenges were core to SaverLife's offering and saw consistent engagement so we needed to keep those.

AFTER: MVP version
We made the dashboard the default screen all existing members would see first. We also updated the visuals, highlighted features with their own sections, and introduced new tiles to entice members to engage with points and set savings goals. A new mobile-nav was introduced a week later due to engineering bandwidth at the time of this release.
Over the next few weeks, the savings goal tile also suffered from lagging updates, the "What's new" section could not be automated, and we needed to reduce how much space each tile took up if we were to continue introducing new content in each section.

We continued to update the visuals and themed-sections to better align with SaverLife's direction and capabilities. However, the "SaverLife stats" section was not as effective in getting people to save and engage more.
We then introduced themed-point activities that were centered around monthly topics, or promotions. That change did increase the # of activities completed. During user interviews, they were cited as examples for how it got members to rethink their approach to saving.